Friday, January 13, 2012

Getting into your children's world (PART 2)

One of the first and most important challenges in parenting is understanding what his world looks and feel like.

From the moment of birth onward, a child's early months and years are a voyage of discovery and one of the first things a child must discover is himself. Infant develops the large muscles first and followed by fine motor skills and balance control.

A Child learns about the world by Doing
A child who is "playing" is actually hard at work, trying on new roles and ideas, tasting, touching, smelling and experimenting with life. It takes a while before children learn where the boundaries lie. Some will accept those boundaries while others will continuously puss them.

A Child's Birth Order affects how she sees the world
Each child born into your family experiences a different family configuration. When there are more people, more siblings plus the adult or adults have probably grown or changed in some way.
Another factor affecting birth order is the presence of the siblings. The first born may get the things he want when he's the only one, but when his younger sibling comes into the family, he may need to wait to get things he want.

The older child who suddenly begins misbehaving when her new baby sibling is being fussed over is easy to understand. Whatever the behavior, taking into account the effect of a child's birth order can help you make sense of child's misbehavior.

A Child's developmental need to explore and experiment
Any self respecting child will feel obliged to cruise up to the boundaries you've set and test them occasionally. He's not deliberately trying to drive you insane, he's either exploring at his age- appropriate level or learning about consistency and whether or not adults mean what they say.
Often adults fail to realize that they simply can't reason with a toddler and spend more time talking than acting.

Repeated warning isn't terribly effective ; kind, firm action would be more helpful.
He is a mad scientist using his hands, mouth and imperfect coordination to determine the marvelous world around him.
The real tasks as a parent are prevention, vigilance and very quick reflexes

A Child's physical size and abilities have a strong influence on behavior
Take a moment sometime soon and put your face on the same level as your child's. What do you see ?
The world looks a lot different from down there !
A child's world shimmers with delightful, distracting images, sounds and textures.
The best way to be sure a tiny person realizes that you are talking to her is to make eye contact and speak directly.

It can be frustrating for the children and the parents themselves when children won't quite do the tasks they are expected to do. This doesn't create a positive atmosphere where learning can take place.
How adults feel if everything they tried was a little beyond their ability to succeed and they were criticized for the efforts they made ?

A child's concepts of reality and fantasy are different from those of an adult
Fantasy is a child's way of getting in touch with feelings for which he doesn't yet have words, a way of exploring his own inner being. Careful listening and acceptance by his parents will help him to understand his feelings.

You and your child will benefit greatly if you learn all you can about growth and development. It's also important to know your own child well. And eventually, you must learn to trust your innate wisdom as a parent.

Next topic : What makes your child unique ?
There are nine temperaments that you can examine which your kid's temperament is and this will lead you how to handle them

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